Nénuphar go with the flow
Saturday July 6th 22h (10pm) – Gardon(access on both banks of the river)
At dusk on July 6th, the river Gardon will turn into a magnificent textured soundscape. For the grand premiere of project Nénuphar, Mécanique Vivante stages and illuminates the river and its banks in a visual, musical odyssey : a field of poppies, chorists on islands, and a soprano & mezzo singing through giant horns.
Gliding downriver as if by magic, the Nénuphar, the latest in a long and curious line of inventions, will host the world’s only Siren Orchestra, associated artists and guests to create an enchanting and unforgettable aquatic show .
The show will last approximately 75 mins
Franz Clochard, Cie Mécanique Vivante
Percussion Lucie Delmas – Sirénium Franz Clochard – Guitar Eric Lorher – Opera singers Lien Haegeman & Marylène Duprey – Tubular bells Millie Dolan – Choristers les Fous Chantants – Poppyfield Alain Micquiaux
Artistic director and designer Franz Clochard – Production Millie Dolan – Musical composition Patrice Colet & Benoit Louette, Lighting designer Pierre Wendels, Sound engineer Rémy Gonin – Production aide Viviana Allocco – Areski Roy – Costumes Sonia Wendels – Dive advisor : Nino Beyler, Fredy Renard, Oliver Zimmerman aand the members of Ales Dive Club
Manufacture Nénuphars
Étude Quentin Charvet – Construction Lucas Genot, Alain Constant, Patrick Mazel – Machining Daniel Faleix – Electronics & hardware Claude et Antoine Bureau (Ste CB4Tech)
With the participation of l’IMT Mines d’Alès & lycée Jean Baptiste Dumas
Coproduction : Le Cratère, National Theatre Alès – District coucil of Alès Agglomération.
Project Nénuphar is partnered by Nénuphar : DGCA ministry of Culture – DRAC Occitanie – Regional council of the Gard Department.