Previous inventions

Photo credit Marie-Pierre Vincent

The Spinner - urban mix

In the Mécanique Vivante tradition of giving new purpose to every day objects, The Spinner is top! Flagship project of the 90’s The Spinner traversed Europe in the 90’s bringing its urban musical tale with it. And it launched the careers of a generation of musicians who have become world-wide references: Camille – Magic Malik – Sébastien Martel – Mathieu Chédid – JuanRozoff – Julien Loureau, SarahMurcia, Catman (David Taïeb), CyrilAvêque, Ardag Basmadjian, PierreBosheron, Fixi Bossard, Ludovic Bource, Laurent Camuzat, Cub1, Disco (Christophe Minck), Alex Ferro, Manu Leduc, Eric Lörher, Fred Mackinghem, Marlon, Trashid Orfaz, Or Solomon, Thierry Stremler, Franck Vaillant.

The Hanging Bike Challenge

A mad dash to the finishing line, way up above the crowd. This exhilarating aerial race is a large-scale production with an intimate,human element; a giddy, humourous exploit and a wonderful example of Mécanique Vivante’s world of invention. The Hanging Bike Challenge was created for the 1998 football World Cup.

The Chicken Piano

The first in a long and curious line of inventions and musical instruments created by Franz Clochard, the chicken piano was invented in 1982 to get chickens to play music live onstage. It opened the door to myriad inventions including the famous flying motorbike & chainsaw of Archaos, the aerial Ace Bar, the Mechanical Arm Wrestler created for FreeWheels, the musical Siren, the Nénuphars…..