The team and associated artists

Permanent staff

Franz Clochard : artistic director & inventor
Millie Dolan: administration – production
Lucas Génot : construction

On tour:

Pierre Wendels : lighting designer
Rémy Gonin : sound engineer
Pat Colet : composer
Benoit Louette : composer repertoire
Franz Clochard : sirenium, trombone
Lucie Delmas : timpani, percussion
Eric Lohrer : guitar
Millie Dolan : Tubes
Nino Beyler, Gonzague Beaujault, Sarah Dehaes : locomotive drivers
Lien Haegeman, Fenna Ograjensek, Marylène Duprey  : opera singers
And Jêrome Bresset, Seb Martel, Laurence Meisterlin,  Francoise Tellier-Meisterlin.

at the production site

Patrick Mazel, Daniel Faleix, Alain Constant

Software & system development

Gauthier Segay, Pat Colet, Joseph Larralde

Electronics & embedded systems

CB4Tech : Claude et Antoine Bureau


Quentin Charvet

They composed for the Siren Orchestra

Benoit Louette, Andrew Peggie, Jean Marie Colin, Christian Pierredon